Tuesday, 30 December 2008

New year, new project...

This isn't going to be your typical run of commentary. I'm not any more interested in telling you the minutiae of my life than you are in reading about it... nor am I interested in promoting any beliefs, championing any causes, or railing against any particular brand of injustice.

This is, instead, going to be a process of discovery.

I'm a writer. Short stories, articles, plays... I'm starting a new project, and for the foreseeable future, that's what all of this is going to cover. The writing, the work of writing, the process. We may get into my beliefs and causes. We may cover a great deal of my life, as we go along. But it will be incidental.

Yes, we. We're in this together- writer and reader, locked together, hip to mental hip. And hopefully, we'll both find use in this little experiment.


The work I have in mind is a play. Possibly a stage play, more probably a screen play. I have an idea- though I'm not going to reveal what it is until I am:
A) Sure enough about it to open it to scrutiny- which might be a while, and
B) Protected by WGA registration- at the least.

No offense implied. It's a tough world.

Don't worry- there'll be plenty to talk about in the mean time.

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A Yellow Melamine Dansk Mixing Bowl

My mother likely bought the bowl in the early 1970's. Fairly certain we've had it since we lived in Sioux Falls. Extremely useful bo...