Tuesday, 13 December 2016

The Question.

I believe- firmly- that the results of the last presidential election are going to stand. Like it or not, and for good or ill,  we are going to live with a Trump administration for the foreseeable future. 


What if this does change?

What would be the result of an invalidated election, a voided election- in this country and globally?

Seems, perhaps, an odd thing to consider, in a blog that ostensibly concerns writing... but... asking this kind of question is very much the sort of thing writers do. 

We examine it, poke and prod at it, and ask ourselves- what if? What if the Nazis won? What if Jesus actually showed up, like, tomorrow afternoon? What if the aliens showed up. Not now, but in Medieval times?

And in this case, the question is... what would happen?

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