Sunday, 9 August 2015

What time do you call this, then? And where the hell have you been?

Point of fact, I've been riding my brand new 1996 motorcycle through a thunderstorm.

As I write this, I am soaked to the bone and very happy. Of course, that's where I've just been. After a pleasant evening with a mysterious and challenging lady friend.

 Where I've been until now? Living my life. I've had some work produced, directed a few times, and appeared in three movies, with a fourth on the way. I've also lost my mom, my cat, broken off one of the world's longest engagements and changed jobs.

 Anyway. I didn't mean to neglect this. I just got busy trying to do what I was talking about. Sorry. Next up? A short movie I'm writing to produce and direct, "That's Why We Don't Go Over There", and a movie I am trying to sell. We will go through the process of realizing those together.

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